Cute Shoes!

“Here’s to chasing your dreams in the cutest pair of shoes you own.” ~unknown

When my husband and I moved from the cities to the country, there were numerous naysayers’. I remember people asking, “Have you thought about how you are going to manage way out there as you age?” At first this thought scared me. I thought about the fact that family and medical support may eventually become an issue. I began wondering, what if we spent all our energy building this home only to move back to the city in a year or two? Would it all be for naught?

Crossing a dream off the list because it couldn’t last forever seemed a bit extreme. After much deliberation I decided to take a leap of faith. To follow my dream even if it lasted only one year.

My journey to get where I am now hasn’t always been in the cutest pair of shoes I own, but it’s been quiet an adventure! And, I’m glad I took the risk. Because it’s where I got to meet the me I never thought I was; a woman with determination and willpower. Now, I must admit, many of my dreams are meet with imposter syndrome and hesitation. But, one pieces of advice I received from my father when I was growing up has helped me. He said, “You are going to make mistakes throughout life. The only way to avoid making mistakes is—don’t do anything. But the biggest mistake you’ll ever make is to do nothing.”

It’s been over fifteen years since my husband and I moved to this place we consider “paradise!” And, over the years I’ve followed a few more of my dream. The painting at the top of this blog was originally going to be part of a new book but didn’t make it into the storyline. Writing and illustrating the children’s picture book The Unbelievable Topsy Turvy Day! is another dream of mine that is coming true very soon!

I hope you put on the cutest pair of shoes you own and hike off to follow your dreams! Your time is precious. Thank you for finding a moment to visit me. I’d really like to hear from you. Tell me a dream that’s come true for you.

12 thoughts on “Cute Shoes!”

  1. Sage advice for all of us. Take action and live your life to the fullest. Thanks for sharing. I’ll look forward to seeing the book.

  2. I love your blogs and love this idea of putting on your cutest pair of shoes and go follow your dreams. For me, I’d probably dare to go barefoot instead, as I hate shoes (probably because the cute ones never really fit me!). I love that you took the risk, followed your dream and built that house in the country. I’m still figuring out my next dream, but maybe my biggest one so far was creating a cultural exchange program in Bulgaria for teens – it was a big risk, a lot of work, and I’m happy to say it went on for years even after I was no longer involved in it. Shoes or no shoes, it’s so important to take the leaps!

    1. Sarah, I would like to hear more about your cultural exchange program in Bulgaria for teens. It sounds like quite a dream come true.

  3. Hi Leanne! I loved reading your story and your very wise father’s comment, “He said, “You are going to make mistakes throughout life. The only way to avoid making mistakes is—don’t do anything. But the biggest mistake you’ll ever make is to do nothing.” I didn’t know the backstory of you moving to ‘paradise’ — most interesting! I always find real life stories fascinating. Thanks for sharing your blog with us! : )

  4. Dream come true: Going on an adventure through France and Italy on my way to Ziva’s and Alon’s wedding in Israel while spouse, Bill, took care of Keeyare, the cat, and the house while I went away to play was a dream come true. Ziva and her brother Ofer, and their dad, Abraham, have been secret ingredients to quite a few of my dreams coming true. It took a a loving supportive spouse and a wonder-full village and I’m so grateful. Thank you to you, Leanne, for the reminder of Life’s goodness, grace and grit — just add courage and take one step at a time.

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